Angela Fowler Hurtado Angela Fowler Hurtado


What does it mean to be connected in your relationships? While seemingly simple, it can be difficult to define. What feels like connection for one may not feel like connection for another.

What does connection with another person feel like for you? Take a moment to notice.  Does it involve simply being in each others presence, doing an activity, laughing, the absence of conflict?  Does it involve deep conversation, physical touch, eye contact, processing emotions? 

As humans, we do not do well when we feel alone.  There is extensive research on the negative impact of feeling disconnected; it is terrible for our health.  Everything in our DNA points to a need for healthy connections with other humans.

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Angela Fowler Hurtado Angela Fowler Hurtado

The Space Between…

The Space Between. I love this phrase. It came to me as the name of my private practice when I was first starting out as a therapist many years ago. I was doing an experiential exercise focused on identifying my passions as a psychotherapist and those words kept repeating in my mind. 

It is not new or original to me. It is a phrase seen in literature by pioneering psychotherapists in the field of attachment and by some psychotherapists who focus on relationship work. The space between is technically a gap between two things. I’ve seen it used to describe the place between setting a goal and achieving it. And sometimes it’s referred to as the feeling of connection or disconnection between two people. It is intangible; it is invisible; it is felt and not seen; it is the journey.

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